Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The day we met Moot meet coordinate XD

Hi again! ^ ^ I got together with some lovely ladies for an awesome meet! It was totally random, and Moot the creator of 4chan happened to be there too, and we said hi xD He recognized us as the "CGL girls" which I thought was funny. I've personally met him before, but not in loli, so it was kind of cool to have him compliment our coords and know about the fashion! This was my outfit for the day:

Cutsew, Hoodie, Scrunchie, Bag, Skirt: Angelic Pretty
Jacket: Hellcatpunks
Socks, Headband: BTSSB
Boots: Offbrand

I've been really into old school Angelic Pretty, and so I've been scooping up everything I can find on the auctions. They go for much less too, since they aren't as popular and in demand. For example, the skirt was about 20USD! I just love getting a good deal x3

1 comment:

  1. You met a celebrity lmao! And that is an amazing deal for that skirt :o
